Wednesday 17 November 2010

I will sin, storyboard.

Our first idea of the trailer 'Final Deadline', didn't go to plan. We found that we had many problems along the way, one of the main ones being the footage. Once we had filmed the footage and then viewed it once it was uploaded on to the computer, we saw that the image was too dark and we did not focus on our lighting enough. 
We had to plan to film our footage again, but it was too late notice to tell the actors that we needed them so soon. We had to find a new set of characters, so our group met up with  another group from our class over the weekend. 

Monday 8 November 2010

Flickr slideshow.

Here is a slideshow of our flickr photostream, where we have uploaded images which helped us to explore and develop themes and settings for our trailer.

Sunday 7 November 2010


Shot 1: Mid-shot of teacher, slightly from a low angle.

Shot 2: Clip of production. 'A production by Twisted Pictures'

Shot 3: Close up of Jessica. To have insight of characters and make a first impression.

Shot 4: Long shot of building.

Shot 5: Close up of Dan.

Shot 6: Long shot of male and female running, chracters unknown to audience.

Shot 7: Close up of Josephine.

Shot 8: Long shot of character who is blacked out and not seen.

Shot 9: Mid shot of the back of Dan and slight view of Josephines face.

Shot 10: Long shot of Jacob sitting on floor in building.

Shot 11: Over head, mid shot of Jacob being dragged along floor.

Shot 12: Sentence 'DYING TO MEET IT...'

Shot 13: Mid shot of black bag over characters head.

Shot 14: Title 'FINAL DEADLINE'

Shot 15: 'Out Summer 2011'


Shot 1=
Teacher: "For your final grade, in groups your making a horror trailer".
Speaks from the front of a classroom to students.

Shot 3=
Jessica: "I know this building".
Speaks to group.

Shot 5=
Dan: " Ive heard about that place..."
Speaks to group.

Shot 6=
Dan: "... people have died there".
Voice over clip of people running.

Shot 7=
Josephine: "Sounds like fun".
Speaks to group.

Shot 9=
Jacob: "Let's go then".
Speaks to group.

Shot 10=
Josephine: Screams.
As hand with blood is spread against a window on a door.

Shot 11=
Josephine: "What was that?"

Shot 13=
Jacob: Screams.
Get's dragged along the floor.


To be uploaded.

Scream, Horror Concepts.

Our film concept has many similarities to that of the film 'Scream'. The obvious connection is that they are both teen horror films. They both include the well known, stereotypical college kids; the jock, the popular girl, the nerd and the wonderer.

The link below shows the concepts of a horror movie, the rules that producers either stick to or challenge. This is randy's rules from the film 'Scream':

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Student action planning:

Me and my group sat down together and made an action plan for what needs to be done on our blogs and what planning needs to be finished.
We set to have are filming of the trailer done by the weekend alongside all the planning. We also plan to have all unblogged work onto blogs.
We have set ourselves days for when these tasks will take place and be finished.
We need to stick to our action plan in order to meet deadlines and to work well as a group.

Our student action plan includes:
  • To plan setting, props and characters, have photo evidence and to be blogged. Alongside planning and drawing our storyboard.
  • To upload video about concepts that has already been filmed, but not blogged.
  • To go to viewings at the cinema, watching films in the horror genre. Take picture evidence and evaluate experience and ideas gained from this.
  • To video record questionnaire, asking target audience.
  • To film trailer over the weekend.

Marking the advanced Portfolio

In lesson today I assessed my blog, looking at the process of research and planning. I had to give my self a grade on the different criteria' that should be included in my blog. I explained how this was evidenced, how it was blogged and my action plan to complete my work. I found that there were parts of the criteria which i had not completed, but are planned to be finished by the weekend.
I see myself at a level 3 and i know that i could be at level 4 with more hard work and determination. My aim to get to a level 4 is to complete all area's that are unfinished in the blog and always look back on my research when planning.