Wednesday 3 November 2010

Student action planning:

Me and my group sat down together and made an action plan for what needs to be done on our blogs and what planning needs to be finished.
We set to have are filming of the trailer done by the weekend alongside all the planning. We also plan to have all unblogged work onto blogs.
We have set ourselves days for when these tasks will take place and be finished.
We need to stick to our action plan in order to meet deadlines and to work well as a group.

Our student action plan includes:
  • To plan setting, props and characters, have photo evidence and to be blogged. Alongside planning and drawing our storyboard.
  • To upload video about concepts that has already been filmed, but not blogged.
  • To go to viewings at the cinema, watching films in the horror genre. Take picture evidence and evaluate experience and ideas gained from this.
  • To video record questionnaire, asking target audience.
  • To film trailer over the weekend.

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