Friday 10 September 2010

Analysing a Trailer

Case 39
  • The film title is shown at the end of the trailer, this is so that the viewer knows what the film is about and then if interested the name is told to be remembered and the movie can be viewed. This is very often used to build tension throughout the trailer and then give the audience a dramatic and much waited ending to the trailer.
  • The trailer tells us the main character who is Renee Zellweger near to the end of the trailer. The reason why we are told who is starring in the film is a selling point, if people like the person who is starring in the film then they are more likely to go and watch it.

  • The pace at the start of the trailer is slow, this is so that the story can begin to unravel. Then the shot's begin to get a lot shorter by the middle of the trailer and there is lots of flashing shots.

  • The beat of the music at the beginning of the trailer, is almost like a clock ticking, giving the indication that their is a certain amount of time for something to happen. Then a slow subtle piano is played, giving a calm atmosphere. Then sounds from within the movie such as dialogue is heard, until a fast beat is heard which builds up tension.

  • At the beginning of the trailer the speed is very slow and the storey is slowly unraveling. Then is begins to speed up and the shots become very short and quick, to in some way disorientate the viewer and leave them asking questions.
  • At the very end of the trailer we are shown the name of the film and that it is coming soon.

  • A film trailer is more effective then the film poster in making you want to see the film. This is because more is given away in the trailer into what the genre is and what the film will be about, unlike the poster which can sometimes not give an insight to the film much.

  • This trailer would be shown at the cinema before films who have an audience over the age of 18, since the film is aimed at people over that age. Also would be shown before horror films, because it will mean that the audience like horror films. It would be shown late at night on tv for adult viewers. Also would be shown inbetween and horror/ investigation type programmes.

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