Thursday 9 September 2010

Film Posters:


The font is in white, which connects with the word salt; this would not appeal to young audiences, so this shows that it is for an older target audience. The font type looks like very computerised, it looks like the type of font used on databases; this giving the impression that the film could be about some sort of investigation.

The image is a close up of a woman's face. Her facial expression is very serious, but also seductive; this indicating that the film is for adults, maybe men. The only indication this image gives is that this woman is most likely to be the main character in the film. Not much is given away by the image or the text on this poster.

Grown Up's

The font used for this film title has a 3D effect, making the words stand out. The words look very cartoon like, giving the impression of a kids film. The writing is blue, meaning that the film could be stereotyped for males.

The image is of five men going down a water slide, all looking as if they are having a good time. Since all actors pictured usually play comedian like roles, gives an indication that the film will be a comedy. Also the picture is ironic to the title, since it is called grown ups yet the men are doing childish activities.

Blood Diamond

The font used for this film title is very plain and blunt, giving the impression that the film could be about a serious issue. The font being white is ironic, due to the words used in the title 'Blood' which gives the image of the colour red. All letters of the title are in capitals, making it stand out and seem very apparent to the viewer, also giving great emphasise to the words.

The image on the poster has a sepia colour, giving the impression that the film is about something that happened in that past, due to the old style of image colour. The two males facial expressions are very stirn, also adding to the feeling of seriousness. Also aeroplanes and smoke is pictured in the background showing that their is some sort of attack against the men.

What is more important images or words?
Altogether this research shows that the both text and image need to work together to make a film poster effective. It shouldn't give the storey away, leaving some mystery and the viewer with questions. Although it should show what genre and target audience the film is for. IN my research I have found that associations with words and their meanings is important to speack to its target market. However, I believe the visual language is as important to create anticipation and excitement for its intended audience.

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