Monday 27 September 2010

Applying Conventions of Trailers

Applying Conventions of Trailers:

BloodShed High :
In order to apply with the recognizable conventions of trailers in groups, we came up with ideas about how to market and promote a new film Bloodshed High. To
do this task we came to together in small groups to discuss what we felt the most important aspects
of film trailers are. We came up with this list:

  • Our trailer includes a unique selling point, this is something that makes our trailer different from all other horror trailers. The unique selling point lays in the plot of the movie. The main character who is a young boy, who has moved from london to america is bullied and these bullies all end up being killed. The predicted killer is the young boy, although the twist of the story is that the popular cheerleader is the killer who is only looking out for the boy. This challenges your basic teen-horror film, since the popular characters are never the killers.

  • The main character who is the young boy who is being bullied, is played by A
    sa Butterfield who is a young british actor. He fits the role of this character w
    ell since he has a very innocent, and timid look about him.

  • The popular girl who is the killer, is going to be play by Dekota Fanning
    .This is because she is a very well known young actress, who has s
    tarred in many scarey and mysterious films. She also has a 'girl next door' look to her.

  • The trailer starts of with the production that it is made by, which will be 'Twisted Pictures'. This is because twisted pictures is well known for making horror films, such as 'Saw'.

  • It will then go onto an establishing shot of the school where the school is set 'Bloodshed High'. This is to set the scene for the audience and the setting is introduced. This also shows the audience who the target audience of the film will be, since teenagers between 15 and 18 are more likely to watch a film about a high school.

    The speed at the beginning of the trailer will be quite slow, and then gradually get faster with rapid shots. Thoughout these shots a soundtrack will be playing, which is going to be by 'Linkin Park' because it is heavy metal, so it will be very fast and loud to act to the effect of the trailer and create tension.

    Within the rapid shots Asa Butterfields name will appear, then followed by Dekota Fanning's name, so that the audience is fimilar with who the characters in the film are going to be.

    Jason Bennett will be the director of the film, who has also made such horror films as 'Bury Me'. This also gives an insight to what the genre of the film will be to the audience. This will be shown towards the end of the trailer, also to ingage audiences who liked his precious films to watch this film.

    The trailer will end with the film title, this is so that the question the audience have been asking thoughout the trailer is answered. Also it's so that it is rememberable and audiences can see what the film they want to see is called. This will then be followed with the words 'Coming Soon', to make the audience anxious and excited to find out when the film will be out in cinemas.

    Here is a copy of the presentation we gave to the class showcasing these ideas:

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