Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation question 4.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


When researching horror trailers, I used the internet for the majority of it. This is because I was able to look up different horror trailers, posters, magazines and the conventions they all showed. This would then help me to learn what conventions I would need to include in my product, and whether I would challenge any of these conventions.
I first of all researched into the characters in horror films; I found that the protagonist killer was usually someone with a deformity, a mask, a monster or average looking person. I researched this by using ‘Google’, and looking at the images that appeared when typing in ‘killers from horror films’. Along with these I also researched into the music that was used in horror trailers, and I done this by using ‘YouTube’
. From this I learnt that the music used usually began off slow and got faster as the shots got quicker and shorter, this was to create suspense and tension.

We then had to apply the conventions we had researched, in a quick plan of a trailer called ‘Bloodshed High’. We made sure that we highlighted our unique selling point, challenging teenage stereotypes. We chose what roles our main characters would play and what actors we would sue for these roles. We had to choose a soundtrack to go onto our trailer, and we chose Linkin Park because the song began off slow and begins to get really fast, due to it being of the rock genre. We chose who the director of our film would be, and made sure it was someone who was known for making films in the horror genre. Also making sure that our title would feature at the end of the trailer, since this is a main convention of all horror trailers. We were filmed in class, whilst we talked about our plan for the

I researched into synopses of horror films on ‘’. I learnt that they all show the storyline, protagonist, and antagonist and stock characters. This led me to know that a synopsis would have to be written up for my own trailer.

I also researched a number or horror film posters, figuring out the conventions they all used and what I would have to use in my own product. I looked into the settings and props that are used generally in horror films, finding that they were usually the same. The setting being in a deserted area, or small town and props being knifes or some sort of murder weapon. I then looked into magazine front covers, which promoted horror films. I focused on the images used, the fonts and subheadings. For all of this research into these different areas I used ‘Google’.

Here is the first concept that we came up with for our trailer:

Our first plan for the trailer didn't work well, so we decided to make a completely new concept for our trailer which is below:

Over all I product turned out to be very successful in what we wanted to achieve. Although there were many difficulties along the way. This is because we did not plan our filming, lighting or characters well enough. But this helped us to get a much better and more planned trailer. When first filming our trailer we didn't consider the lighting, which was too dark meaning that the shots were not visible enough. Also we left our choosing of characters quite late, meaning that it was hard to get everyone together at the same time in the same place for enough amount of time for us to film.

Our products created a lot of synergy, we made the products consistent so that they worked together well. The products would not be successful if they did not work off of each-other, they all help to promote the product and gain a target audience.

Also when first editing the shots on iMovie, I didn't fully know how to use all applications on it; but soon learnt and felt very confident whilst using it.

Slide-share was very easy to use, since all you have to do is make a slideshow and then upload it onto slideshare,

I had difficulty using Prezi, since it was quite complicated and I did not know how to join each of the images together, like is shown in the introduction.

I also found it very easy to upload our products onto YouTube and Facebook, since I use this websites for my own personal leisure. But I found it hard to find a lot of people who were willing to comment on our products, to give us audience feedback.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation question 3.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We gained our audience feedback by making sure we recieved it from our target audience. This meant males and females, from 15-40 and of all ethnicites. Our audience feedback helped us to learn what we could do to our product to make it better and what we could do better the next time doing a task like this. We learnt wether our product was suitable and liked by our target audience, which then let us know that our product was succesfull.
We done a video recording of one of our fellow classmates, to find out what they thought of our trailer. From this we gained very enthusiastic answers, we were given very positive feedback. This person fitted our target audience profile, so the feedback we gained from this helped us to know that our product is suitable and will be viewed by them.

The video below shows the interview between me and the subject:

The presentation shows the different forms in which we gained our target audience. I showed this through screen-grabs of the face-book and you-tube page that advertises our product and the comments we received on our products:
Target audience
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The comments we received from out target audience helped to develop our product and make us aware of what improvements we had to make to our products. Also it helped with our research into what types of technologies our target audience use and how they respond to these types of products being used on social networking sites and uploading sites.

Evaluation question 2.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our film publicity campaing is very effective, and we have thought very carefully about how to promote and distribute our product so that is is viewed and is accessible by our target audience.

The slideshow below shows the consistency throughout our products, how we have promoted and distributed our products and our unique selling point:

We have used new media technologies to distribute our product, which is through the internet. From the internet our audience are able to view our trailer and our viral marketing campaigns towards it such as the poster and the magazine. We have used synergy through social networking sites and video uplaod sites, here people are able to view the trailer and make comments on it. They are also able to find out when the film will be out so that they are able to view it at cinemas. By using the internet our product is converged globally.

Our film will be promoted by our poster being printed on the sides of buses. Since this is a very popular mode of transport, especially used by our target audience. Our magazine will be distributed in stores that sell films such HMV and superstores such as sainsburys. Also within small local shops, which are used by all members of the public and so that our product is easily accessible. Our posters and magazines could also be shown and sold at music events that play music that is similar to the horror genre, such as rock and punk music; which stereotypically would like films in the horror genre.

Convergence is used throughout our product, since our products our advertised through the internet; such as social networking sites, in shops and venues, on radio and on television.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Evaluation Questions 1.

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
At the beginning of our task I researched into trailers to gain an understanding of how to make an effective product. Through the research I found many similar conventions throughout the trailers, which helped me understand what my product must consist of.
We realised that the trailer must consist of parts of the storyline, to give the audience some idea on what the film will be about and to give away the genre of the film. We knew that the trailer must not show the film exactly, and to leave the audience with some suspense and questioning.

Our trailer makes it obvious who the killer in the film is, which is only clear in some trailers. Many trailers that I viewed liked to keep the knowledge of who the killer is a secret from the audience. We saw this as in ways challenging the well known conventions of trailers. Also all the main stock characters are shown, to give the audience an understanding and insight to all of the characters.

The slideshow below explores the forms and conventions of horror trailers:Lowri question 1
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The slideshow below show how we used these conventions within our product:
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Here is a video of me and Louisa going through our trailer with a talk over of the conventions used within the trailer:

I Will Sin, Trailer

The making of the trailer took a generous amount of time to do; with many different stages of editing.

To begin the making of the trailer I had to put the shots in the order i wished them to be in and which ones were best out of the range that we had. Then with these shots I had to edit them to make the trailer fit 1minute and 30seconds and edit the parts out of the clips that were unnecesarry. I wanted our trailer to fit the conventions of horror trailers, so I made sure that The beginning started of quite slow and giving a background to the story. This included showing the main character and stock characters, and also giving some depth into what type of characters they are. I wanted to show that the main

character Beth was a nerd, with no friends, who didn't fit in and was bullied by fellow classmates. I also wanted to show that the stock characters were three male, cool kid, bullies. Towards the middle of the trailer the shots begin to get a lot shorter and faster, to also fit the conventions of horror trailers. This is to create suspense and show parts of the film that are improtant, but do not give too much away and leave the audience questioning.

A green sceen, with approval that the trailer is made for the appropriate audiences was put at the start of the trailer. This is because it fits the conventions of trailers, also being followed by the production details. Which were chosen from a range that I made on Photoshop in a few different fonts:

I chose the name 'Bloodshed Productions' for the production company because it added to the horror genre. And the font was also chosen because it related to the genre of horror. I then put the name of the film 'I WILL SIN' at the end of the trailer, because is one of the conventions of trailers. The reason for the title being shown at the end of the trailer is so that it stays in the audience's mind and answers the question the ask throughout watching the trailer ot 'What is this called?' which is then followed by the details of actors/actresses, production, producers, etc. and then by 'Coming Soon' so that the audience know that the film will be released on a later date.

Once all editing was done to the clips in the trailer, which included certain transitions, speed of the shot, etc, I then chose music to go over the trailer. I chose a music track called 'The Relapse', which i made sure was not copyrighted. The music fits well with the trailer because it starts of slow to set up the story and then speeds up as shots get quicker to create tension. I also added certain sound effects to area's, such as heartbeats and pounding to highlight certain parts and create suspense.

I Will Sin, Magazine front cover

I Will Sin, Poster

As i edited the trailer which took a generous amount of time, Louisa made the poster for our film trailer. Along with a talk over it for the evaluation of it.