Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation question 3.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We gained our audience feedback by making sure we recieved it from our target audience. This meant males and females, from 15-40 and of all ethnicites. Our audience feedback helped us to learn what we could do to our product to make it better and what we could do better the next time doing a task like this. We learnt wether our product was suitable and liked by our target audience, which then let us know that our product was succesfull.
We done a video recording of one of our fellow classmates, to find out what they thought of our trailer. From this we gained very enthusiastic answers, we were given very positive feedback. This person fitted our target audience profile, so the feedback we gained from this helped us to know that our product is suitable and will be viewed by them.

The video below shows the interview between me and the subject:

The presentation shows the different forms in which we gained our target audience. I showed this through screen-grabs of the face-book and you-tube page that advertises our product and the comments we received on our products:
Target audience
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The comments we received from out target audience helped to develop our product and make us aware of what improvements we had to make to our products. Also it helped with our research into what types of technologies our target audience use and how they respond to these types of products being used on social networking sites and uploading sites.

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