Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation question 2.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our film publicity campaing is very effective, and we have thought very carefully about how to promote and distribute our product so that is is viewed and is accessible by our target audience.

The slideshow below shows the consistency throughout our products, how we have promoted and distributed our products and our unique selling point:

We have used new media technologies to distribute our product, which is through the internet. From the internet our audience are able to view our trailer and our viral marketing campaigns towards it such as the poster and the magazine. We have used synergy through social networking sites and video uplaod sites, here people are able to view the trailer and make comments on it. They are also able to find out when the film will be out so that they are able to view it at cinemas. By using the internet our product is converged globally.

Our film will be promoted by our poster being printed on the sides of buses. Since this is a very popular mode of transport, especially used by our target audience. Our magazine will be distributed in stores that sell films such HMV and superstores such as sainsburys. Also within small local shops, which are used by all members of the public and so that our product is easily accessible. Our posters and magazines could also be shown and sold at music events that play music that is similar to the horror genre, such as rock and punk music; which stereotypically would like films in the horror genre.

Convergence is used throughout our product, since our products our advertised through the internet; such as social networking sites, in shops and venues, on radio and on television.

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