Tuesday 7 December 2010

Evaluation Questions 1.

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
At the beginning of our task I researched into trailers to gain an understanding of how to make an effective product. Through the research I found many similar conventions throughout the trailers, which helped me understand what my product must consist of.
We realised that the trailer must consist of parts of the storyline, to give the audience some idea on what the film will be about and to give away the genre of the film. We knew that the trailer must not show the film exactly, and to leave the audience with some suspense and questioning.

Our trailer makes it obvious who the killer in the film is, which is only clear in some trailers. Many trailers that I viewed liked to keep the knowledge of who the killer is a secret from the audience. We saw this as in ways challenging the well known conventions of trailers. Also all the main stock characters are shown, to give the audience an understanding and insight to all of the characters.

The slideshow below explores the forms and conventions of horror trailers:Lowri question 1
View more presentations from Lowri11.

The slideshow below show how we used these conventions within our product:
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Here is a video of me and Louisa going through our trailer with a talk over of the conventions used within the trailer:

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